Thursday, April 29, 2010

day 30, album 30

album of the day:
the roots "phrenology" ~

so, my friends... this is the last album of the challenge. i will recap in another post but let's just say that choosing this last album was super duper hard. that's why i had someone choose it for me! sistah #1 suggested hip hop and this specific album from the roots so i of course had to take her advice. i've heard some of their other music and i saw them live a time or two so hopefully i will like listening to this album.

ugh- i love hip hop. and i love reallyyyy good hip hop. anybody who knows this band knows that they put out great music that is fun in whatever situation you're in: running, dancing, domestic duties. the guest appearances are awesome and very necessary (nelly furtado and talib kweli amongst them), interludes are perfectly placed, and the funk is crazy! thanks, sistah!

moral of the story: great album to go out on
favorite song{s}: 'sacrifice' and 'the seed' and 'water' and 'thirsty'
favorite lyrics: n/a

day 29, album 29

album of the day:
the doors "morrison hotel" ~

in light of tonight's events of going to see when you're strange (sidenote: it was ok... ), i decided to listen to an album from the doors that i've never heard of. enter: morrison hotel.

ok, let's backtrack. it's not that i didn't like the movie. i'm not a huge fan of this band but i was really hoping that this movie would catapult me into wanting to know more. there was great footage and it was a good story and i obviously dug the tunes. but i have a problem with the editing and the continuity issues of it all. i can't seem to get passed the fact that it might not have happened the way it was described.... but anyways, johnny depp's narration told me that this was their most bluesy album (second sidenote: truth?) and so i wanted to give it a whirl. it was also the only album that i didn't know any of the tracks. of course i'm digging this album. poetry in motion, poetry in music; what's not to like? jim morrison is a captivating creature and i wonder what his brain looked like. he certainly wasn't normal, and that's just fabulous...

moral of the story: knew i would dig it
favorite song(s): 'roadhouse blues' and 'land ho!' and 'the spy' and 'maggie m'gill'
favorite lyrics: "keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel" from 'roadhouse blues' AND "illegitimate son of a rock and roll star / mom met dad in the back of a rock and roll car" from 'maggie m'gill"

a random day @ the office...


you knock me off of my feet...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i. want. more!

awesome. video.

eating / drinking

animal crackers / red wine


just bought my ticket for friday night @ midnight.

work on saturday sure will be interesting...

tick tock, tick tock

dear music downloads-

please download faster! i want to listen to you!


for one day only!

who's coming with me?!?!!?

day 28, album 28

album of the day:
talking heads "more songs about buildings and food" ~

so i had no idea what i was getting myself into before listening to this album. of course i've heard of talking heads - but i have never, ever, ever in my life heard one of their songs... at least consciously. it was actually one of the albums that i kept trying to fit into the mix earlier on but it just never panned out. let's see if it was worth the wait...

this album is seriously nuts. pretty fun. really crazy - but then again, so are the people who recommended it to me! (ha!) it's not an album i totally dig but after a really stressful work day it's absolutely great release. an album that doesn't require much thought process; an album that kind of just invites you to listen and hopes you have fun. great melodies, that's for sure. however, i do think that one listen is enough.

moral of the story: fun, but i'm over it.
favorite song(s): 'take me to the river' and 'big country'
favorite lyrics: "we've heard this little scene, we've heard it many times / people fighting over little things and wasting precious time" from 'found a job'

what a predicament :(

why do she and him (stupid blogspot won't let me type their name correctly...) AND lady gaga have to play the same night in NYC!?!?!?!

i already got myself some lady gaga tix but BAH MOTHERFUCKIN' HUMBUG!!!

ice cream on the cheap!

thank you, baskin-robbins, for your 31cent scoop night!!!!

rumor has it...

...that rob thomas is touring this summer!

who's excited?

it's me! it's me!

more new grace!

please check out their youtube site for more.

simply beautiful...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

personal wish list of collaborations

grace potter & the black crowes

mgmt & the wreckers

tom petty & stevie nicks (yes, again!)

to be continued...

thinking of you

... that is all.

snail mail

me lurves me some snail mail

day 27, album 27

album of the day:
cotton jones "paranoid cocoon" ~

i didn't really discover this band. i was stealing my friend eddie's music and he basically said to me "TAKE COTTON JONES!" - and so i did. i haven't had the time to listen to it, until now, and i have no idea what i could possibly expect. i'm hoping greatness...

the band themselves is ok. the album is also just ok. very folky, which i've taken to a lot as of late. i'm about four tracks into it and it keeps getting better and better - which is always a plus! the boy and girl vocals are something that i've also taken to a lot, especially since listening to the dutchess and the duke. i am thoroughly enjoying the tempo and melodies on this tuesday morning before work but i can do without all the instrumental tracks. would i see them live time? if the album keeps getting progressively better, than maybe.......

moral of the story: ok...........
favorite song(s): 'by morning light' and 'blood red sentimental blues' and 'little ashtray in the sun' and 'i am the changer'
favorite lyrics: "you'd better color up my heart again / i'm afraid it's turning black" from 'blood red sentimental blues' AND 'been waiting for a little change / when it finally came i just waited for another, waited for another" from 'i am the changer'

Monday, April 26, 2010

day 26, album 26

album of the day:
MGMT "oracle spectacular" ~

so i'm not going to lie: i almost forgot to do this today. i've been suuuuper lazyyyyyy. but fear not! i am here! and i want to listen to some awesome music! ... and then i'm probably going to stay up all night watching the office, season 4. lurve jim and pam :)

did anybody introduce me to band? i don't think so, and shame on you! because MGMT is brilliant. i was hooked from the first beat and knew that they could absolutely entertain me for a long, long time. i want more already! and i want it LIVE! (sidenote: i'm checking ticketmaster. they'll be at bamboozle. eh.) two tracks in and i know this is great. five tracks in and i'm still on board. each song sounds dramatically different, but i dig them all. as an album, it is very well put together. i feel different when listening to each song and i think that's cool. i can't really remember the last time that this has happened so i'm just gunna go with it... (thanks, betsey!)

moral of the story: yes!
favorite songs: um- all of them?
favorite lyrics: "it tastes like death but it looks like fun" from 'the handshake'

monday funday? i think not.

there's nothing like stepping into work at 8:15PM on a monday...

... when you haven't been here since 5:30PM last friday.

bah humbug!

live music? where?!

if you love music. if you love going to shows. if you live in the nyc-area. then you have to subscribe to this. ((also available in chicago and la.))


i forgot how amazingly delicious animal crackers are. just make sure to have h2o handy. those suckers dry your mouth out! nom nom nom

things to do on my day off

- watch the office, season 4
- renew my license at the jersey city dmv
- pick up my dry cleaning
- pick up parking pass
- nails did?
- find out how to get to target by public transport
- go to target (even if i have to walk there)
- listen to an album
- food shopping
- play blackjack
- post office
- shower
- laundry
- clean my room

*list to be updated throughout the day

Sunday, April 25, 2010

slept all day, up all night?

looks like it.

what to do? what to do!


beautiful person of the day:
grace potter ~

this picture was personally taken on april 23rd in nyc. love her band. love her. can't wait 'til mountain jam to see her & the nocternals again!

UPDATE: new track from their new album!

i might regret this but...

day 25, album 25

album of the day:
mark ronson "here comes the fuzz" ~

i've always wanted to start listening to mark ronson so obviously i thought there was no better time than now. i'm not too sure if he's just a DJ, or if he writes too. plays any instruments? i guess i'll find out...

ok so this record is his debut and pretty fun to listen to. i think he's just a DJ? but that's ok! the beats are good. nothing bad about this album. something i'm very much enjoying because it's upbeat and i've been super lazy and sleeping pretty much the entire day. loving river cuomo! loving nikka costa! loving sean paul! i guess that's what happens when you're a DJ: you... sample? i don't know how it works... but i like it. sidenote: ronson is super handsome!

moral of the story: fun!
favorite song: 'high' and 'i suck'
favorite lyrics: n/a

no productivity

i'm still in bed. and i'm still watching the office.


s'mores pop tarts are amazinggggg!

sunday morning, rain is falling....

so i'm in bed (i just woke up. at 11AM. YAY!) watching a marathon of the office. i just started season 3 and i absolutely need pam and jim to get together!!!

ps: does anybody want to make me breakfast??? :)

UPDATE: just poured myself a mimosa. sunday funday, indeed!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

day 24, album 24

album of the day:
lily allen "alright, still"~

let me preface this by saying that i reallyyyyy wanted to hate this album. perez hilton bashes this chick every chance he gets and i really wanted to be on board with his opinion. but lily allen is fuckin' awesome! i am no longer surprised that she was discovered via myspace. she's got such spunk and pizzazz. i feel like she could kick your ass and break your heart in the same breath.

this album is seriously fun. i don't love every track but i'm halfway through and i found myself dancing in my bathroom mirror through more tracks than not. her lyrics are very catchy. the melodies are so-so but lyrics + melody = great song. she has a very cute voice! it's a good voice for what she sings, ya know? ugh, i hate to say it... but i dig it, especially the song about her brother smoking weed.

moral of the story: very pleasantly surprised
favorite song(s): 'smile' and 'LDN' and 'friday night' and and 'everything's just wonderful' and 'littlest things' and 'alfie'
favorite lyrics: "don't try to test me 'cause you'll get a reaction / another drink and i'm ready for action" from 'friday night'

money honey

a picture of the new one hundred dollar bill... in 3-D?!

alive and well!

this girl saw two shows yesterday: grace potter & the nocternals in front of grand central (free concert for earth day) and then the macpodz at sullivan hall. dancing 'til 2am with good music, good company, and good beer? sounds good to me!

'bout to get my ass out of bed and head over to the new giants' stadium - aka the yet-to-be-named corporate sponsored football stadium at the meadowlands. gotsta check out our view from the 50 yard line. not too shabby.... pictures later!

lurve weekends :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

day 23, album 23

album of the day:
band of horses "cease to begin"

so unfortunately i have to make this quick as i am in between shows (grace potter before, macpodz later) and while i was stalking my itunes looking to today's album, band of horses popped up and i decided to give it a listen. it's short, and rick and i were just talking about the band!

the songs are a little more mellow than i would have liked to be listening to right now. the tunes are ok... the vocals are just ok. i'm three tracks in and nothing is really tickling my fancy about this album. a little farther in and now i know i'm not all that interested. sorry, rick!

moral of the story: meh
favorite song: 'ode to LRC' and 'no one's gunna love you'
favorite lyrics: "so take it as a song or a lesson to learn and sometime soon be better than you were / if you say you're gonna go, then be careful and watch how you treat every living soul" from 'detlef schrempf'


feeling: scared.

baseball has entered the future

last night was super fun! very weird being at citi field. it's absolutely nothing like being at shea and i felt like i was in an amusement park rather than a baseball game. there's so much room to walk around it felt almost uncomfortable having so much space. flat screens all around - obviously. when you have that much distraction from the game, you have to make sure that people are still able to watch what they came for! the food was delicious. our seats behind home plate were pretty good even though they were in the last tier, but the wind factor killed us in the end and we left in the middle of the 8th.

the best part was being able to walk around the entire stadium and see the game from different angles. it also allowed you to see the different places to eat, beer gardens, blah blah blah. all fun stuff, it just feels so.... different.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

rain, rain... stay away!

so i'm supposed to go to my first game at citi field tonight (let's go mets!) and the forecast does not look too promising. it got super dark before, then got super sunny, and now it's in between. super sad face!

cross your fingers and your toes please :)

get excited about... BEP?

why is rolling stone telling us that the #1 reason to get excited about music is the black eyed peas? have we all gone mad?! there are a bagillion reasons to get excited about music and i probably would not even put them on my list. at all. TSK TSK, i say!

and PS... fugly fergie looks super tranny-tastic in every photo in the magazine. woof!

free music!

fans of the amazing grace potter & the nocternals should check out their website today and tomorrow to see where they will be performing FOR FREE!

sadly, i can't go today since the show is at 11A and i am a workin' woman- but tomorrow you bet yer bum that i will be there!

thanks for the info AG, much appreciated as always :)

happy earth day!

day 22, album 22

album of the day:
the voyces "let me die in southern california" ~

i have absolutely no idea where this album came from. i was simply searching my itunes this morning, saw this album, saw that it wasn't too lengthy (since i was listening before work), and decided to give it a whirl - if you are the person who gave me this music, please take credit, because credit is due! the voyces are a great band and this certainly was a great album to listen to!

i love the sound this album delivers; sometimes i like it more than the lyrics themselves, which is very hard for me to say. great sounding vocals, very pleasant. soft jam sessions mixed into some songs which i completely took to. and mind you, i'm not a "jam" kinda girl - but when it's done so perfectly then there is no need to deny it, am i right?

moral of the story: i loved every minute of listening to this album
favorite song : 'king of castle' and 'if i am not your everything, baby i'm not anything' and 'finest hour' and 'it never just goes'
favorite lyrics: "i hear a thousand voices, no two are the same / i make many choices and when it is over i’m to blame" from 'king of castles'

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

day 21, album 21

album of the day:
soft black "the earth is black" ~

so MK made it veryyyy clear to me at my birthday party that i have yet to take any of his recommendations for this challenge. i texted him at work today, asked him what he wanted me to listen to, and he sent me soft black. he mentioned nothing more of them except that he hoped i would love them and this record. let's take a listen...

i'm really enjoying this album. a band i would love to hear live and kind of just dance myself silly to. i can't pinpoint exactly what kind of sound this is, but i'm hearing a little modern rock. a little folk at some points too. a lot of soul - lurve soul! some parts are really soft and make me feel snuggly and other parts of the record make me wanna dance, which are two of my favorite feelings. to capture them on one album is serious awesomeness. MK, you do not disappoint!

moral of the story: thanks MK :)
favorite song: 'the earth is black' and 'ashtray christ' and 'time gets away and has its way with you'
favorite lyrics: n/a

it's a sad day

i'm eating the last piece of my birthday cake :(

put things into perspective

i neeed nothing, but i want everything.............

wah wah

buzzkill of the day: being at work. YUP!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

another random tuesday evening thought

i really should make a staple in my internet browsing.

day 20, album 20

album of the day:
erykah badu "new amerykah part two (return of the ankh)" ~

i just read an article about erykah badu in rolling stone (the "glee" issue) and was curious as to what she sounded like. it's 4/20 and i was very excited for her to take me on her journey...

she might be a little much for some people but i'm absolutely LOVING the album. you can feel exactly what she's singing about and i can't stop moving. i'm really enjoying the funk of this album mixed with her raw emotions. is this her sound or is it something new for this album? i can't wait to find out!

moral of the story: currently downloading the rest of her catalogue
favorite song: 'gone baby, don't be long' and 'umm hmm' and 'love' and 'window seat' and 'fall in love (your funeral)'
favorite lyrics: n/a


chillin' at home.. celebrating.. listening to bob marley.



go big blue!

the new york giants released the 2010-11 season schedule.

let's go big blue!

funny, funny

currently watching:
the office, season 2~

honestly, i can't believe how long it took me to get into this show. it's hysterical! thank you, netflix, for having all seasons on demand right now (except for the current season, but beggers can't be choosers...).

jim is super dreamy. hate that he's engaged in real life (to "the devil wears prada" actress emily blunt) but i still look at him with googly eyes. my favorite character? still too early to tell. i really enjoy them all. i would like to say dwight because he makes me giggle the most, but is that too common? standby for further thoughts as the seasons progress. i'm really looking forward to this baby i heard all about too...


the black crowes announce a new album and extensive tour. HOORAY!

UPDATE: read the fine print. the band goes on hiatus after this tour :(

start the morning off riiiiight

25 minute run

good tunes on the ipod

can the rest of my day be this good?

we shall see...

happy holidaze!

.... spark it ;)

Monday, April 19, 2010

day 19, album 19

album of the day:
bon iver "blood bank" ~

forewarning, i'm SUPER cranky (read: tired from an amazing birthday weekend!!!!) so all i want to do is sleep. this bon iver EP (does it really count as an album? i'll let it slide based on technicality...) is exactly what i was looking for.

two friends recommended him to me yonder years ago and i haven't taken a listen. but this four-song album is a good fit for my unforeseen unpleasantry. it's a little mellow but it doesn't let you get too comfortable. not soft, but not something that makes you feel anxious at all. i'm not sure he would fit my style as a reoccurring artist though, but maybe when i'm in just the right mood....

moral of the story: a pleasant listen
favorite song: "babys"
favorite lyrics: "i'm up in the woods, i'm down on my mind/ i'm building a still to slow down the time" from 'woods'


beautiful person of the day:
ryan kwanten~

yes, please!

lyrics of the day

all the time we spent in bed
counting miles before we set
fall in love and fall apart
things will end before they start

sleeping on lake michigan
factories and marching bands
lose our clothes in summertime
lose ourselves to lose our minds
in the summer heat, i might

~ sufjan stevens "holland"

25 and feeling... somber

it's my second day being a 25-year-old and i find that changing my ways is a lot harder in practice. i have to start re-training my brain to undo all the shit that i've been doing for the past 10 years and start being... a person? it's time to start cutting out the people who just aren't worth keeping in contact with. respect me, respect the friendship that i give you. if that's too hard to do or too much to ask for, than i'm not too sure why you would want to be friends with me to begin with. and don't take this to mean that i'm not looking to have fun... because of course i am! but if you don't act like my friend you will not be getting my benefits.

birthday etiquette

dear boys:

if you do not wish me a happy birthday, there is no chance i will ever play with you. belated birthday wishes included.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

day 18, album 18

album of the day:
drake "so far gone" ~

so today is my birthday and i needed an AWESOME album. kp suggested i listen to this and i always take her advice on hip hop. i knew i would like this album- because i love drake! it was just a matter of sitting down and listening to it to see which tracks i liked best.

i still think of him as jimmy brooks (from degrassi!) but now he's a hip hop phenom? i love it! his style is right, the beats are great... and he sings? being best friends with lil wayne doesn't hurt. lurve weeeeezyyyyyyyy!

i'm tired. fun weekend (more on that tomorrow) but for now i SLEEP! g'night ya'll ;)

moral of the story: i listened to it twice
favorite song: the entire album
favorite lyrics: "i'm on a shoppin' spree to get whateva is in store" from 'successful' AND "they love it when you smile unaware that it's a strain / it's a curse you gotta live with when you're born to entertain" from 'the calm'


more tomorrow ;)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

day 17, album 17

album of the day:
the beach boys "pet sounds" ~

everybody is familiar with the beach boys. if you are not, then shame on you! but i was mostly familiar with their radio hits (like 'kokomo') though i absolutely dig their sound. that's why when i thought about an album to listen to, i knew i would enjoy this one.

i don't think there's a better word to describe this album than saying it's simple. familiar voices, familiar instruments; they're simply playing different tunes. it's a very safe album to listen to if you like this kind of music. of course i dig it, there's no reason not to! i especially love the instrumental tracks. it's a saturday morning and i'm chillin' in bed (hungover, naturally) and this album is the most perfect thing to be listening to.

moral of the story: yes.
favorite song: 'wouldn't it be nice' and 'and sloop john b' and 'god only knows' and 'here today'
favorite lyrics: "wouldn't it be nice if we were older? then we wouldn't have to wait so long / and wouldn't it be nice to live together, in the kind of world where we belong" from 'wouldn't it be nice'

Friday, April 16, 2010

buzzkill of the day

all of my nails are starting to break. BAH MOTHERFUCKIN' HUMBUG!

dancing down motown's memory lane

i can't express enough how much i absolutely luuuuurve motown. i can't explain why or how my lurve of this musical genre started but when i hear it, i dance. even when i should be crying, i dance! the music has so much feeling and soul that i sometimes feel like i want to jump out of my skin. so when i saw this upon opening my internet browser this AM, i just had to share it with ya'll. enjoy - and hope that the next 50 years is just as great as the first 50.

day 16, album 16

album of the day:
animal collective "merriweather post pavilion" ~

this album was recommended to me by two friends. both love music, and both i have complete musical faith in. so when nikki suggested this animal collective album and adam agreed, i knew it had to be on my list. again, no preconceived notions. just me and my music.

when the first track started i got a little thrown off guard. i don't know why, but i guess i simply wasn't expecting... this. it's a busy album, very loud. lots going on and i don't think i followed it very well. i don't know, just not something i'm totally crazy about but i could absolutely understand why people dig it.

moral of the story: happy to have listened to it
favorite song: 'my girls' and 'summertime clothes'
favorite lyrics: "there isn't much that I feel I need / a solid soul and the blood I bleed" from 'my girls' AND "no more runnin', says my mind / all this movement has just proved your kisses hard to find" from 'no more runnin''

Thursday, April 15, 2010

rain, rain go away...

weekend weather forecast = super sad face :(

hallucinate for good cause

is it possible that boomers (laced, not sober) can be used in treating depression, OCD, PTSD, addiction, and anxiety?! thanks to this new york times article that MK sent me, we might be on our way to finding out!

sign me up, i say!

pintastic art

um- if this isn't the coolest thing you've ever seen, then please let me know what is... because this is awesome.

day 15, album 15

album of the day:
the dutchess and the duke "sunrise / sunset" ~

i was given this recommendation (along with a code to download the album for free - sweet!) from barrett with the instructions to "listen to it with a glass of red," meaning that i naturally brought the bottle with me - and betsey too! i had no idea about the dutchess and the duke but for some reason, i knew that it was going to be awesome.

from first note, i was hooked. there's some.... twang, to it. is that a word? more important, is that a descriptive word? i hope you understand where i'm going with this... because i simply cannot explain it any further! the catchy lyrics went perfectly in tune with the melody. great harmonies. great rhythm. there's simply no way you could hate this album, unless of course you don't like good music.

moral of the story: another go-to album discovered
best song: 'hands' and 'scorpio' and 'sunrise / sunset' and 'when you leave my arms'
favorite lyrics: n/a

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

night time craving


day 14, album 14

album of the day:
the presets "apocalypso" ~

no preconceived nothing about these guys, just the understanding that my friend steve suggested them. and i took another one of his recommendations because he introduced me to the xx (day 2, album 2) and it instantly became a favorite of mine. let's see what i think of his recommendation of the presets.

electronica. again. i can't believe so many of my friends listen to it! actually... i take that back. not surprised at all. more surprised at how many people recommend albums of his genre. BUT - i'm feeling in a fun mood. i just had a great dinner with family and a long lost friend; i baked some excellent treats for tomorrow' pot luck lunch at work, with some goodies leftover for roomies; and my room is clean! chillin' with betsey and we're kind of getting into this. too bad that i don't want to get up and dance. maybe next time?

but now i'm halfway through and i kind of stopped enjoying. maybe because i'm laying in bed instead of dancing my face off? i hope they bring me back!

moral of the story: will absolutely listen to it again in another time and place
favorite song: 'yippiyo - a' and 'anywhere'
favorite lyrics: "i want you, you want me / so let's go out, you want me" from 'together'

picture imperfect

i have crows feet and i'm not even 25 years old :(

the united countries of baseball

thanks, steve! i stole this from one of the many facebook walls you posted it on...

yes. please. now! thanks :)

calling all cowards!

if you thought being dumped was bad, how 'bout being dumped by a virtual stranger? yea, that's right: get someone to do your dirty work for you!

i can't believe something like this actually exists. actually... i'm suprised i didn't learn about it sooner. thank you, urbandaddy, for bringing this to my attention. i'll forever be weary of unknown numbers and strangers named brad.

fuckin' flies !

thanks flavorwire.

my favorite tiny tot

the best thing about your birthday?

all the free food!!!! so far i have gotten coupons from qdoba, baskin-robbins, and cold stone all wishing me a "happy birthday" and giving me free food. you bet i will absolutely take advantage of it all :)

found: condoms

six of them, to be exact. while i was cleaning out my drawers last night. ain't that special................. ;)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


i guess i'm gunna have to start watching glee!

credit where credit is due, please!

did i, or did i not, bring the word LURVE into all of our lives? with a little help from sistahs of course...

i think i did! ;)


shout out to grandpa moe, 86 years young today!

(picture taken 3/2008)

love you gramps!


changing the batteries in your vibrator is such a wonderful feeling!

day 13, album 13

album of the day:
freelance whales "weathervanes"

in honor of the band's debut album dropping today and their show at the bowery (which i'm obviously not at - grrrr), let us toast to freelance whales. i grew up with drummer jake hyman in e brunswick, nj and though pretty much strangers now, i'm excited to hear what he's up to! ps.. the album artwork is awesome.

i found the music extremely fun to listen to. something i would absolutely enjoy live time. so many instruments! so much sound! and what a pleasant-sounding lead singer... it's very busy, but in a good way. each song sounded specially crafted and i really enjoyed it. maybe i'll see them at lollapalooza?!?!

moral of the story: turned into a go-to album
favorie song: the entire album
favorite lyrics: "i am convinced that we should be friends / we compare our hearts to things that fly but cannot land" from 'we can be friends'

BONUS: check out this clip of them live. acoustic. in an apartment hallway. thank you for the awesomeness, daily candy!

never enough

12 hours of sleep last night.

still not enough.

could sleep the rest of the day through.

but gotsta go to work....

bah humbug!

Monday, April 12, 2010

day 12, album 12

album of the day:
rosanne cash "the list" ~

i'm currently running on 3 hours of sleep after last night's very successful trip to atlantic city. i've been up all day with my mom and my niece. it's pretty safe the say that the last thing i want to do is be awake. however, a promise is a promise and i'm absolutely uninterested in breaking the rules of my own challenge.

from what i understand about this album, johnny cash passed a list of "essential country songs" to daughter rosanne cash. those interpretations are now this record. i started listening to johnny cash a little while ago and i love his style so i had very high expectations from rosanne. she exceeded those expectations and i'm extremely happy i'm awake listening to this. (but note that as soon as this post is over i'm going right to sleep!) it's such a pleasant record and her voice is beautiful. rest assured i'm going to get the information behind each of these songs and publish at a later date and time.... but for now, i sleep.

moral of the story: you won't be disappointed
favorite song: 'motherless children' and 'i'm movin' on' and 'heartaches by the number' and 'long black veil' and 'she's got you'
favorite lyrics: "you were flyin' too high for my little old sky" from 'i'm movin' on'

BONUS: appearances by bruce springsteen ("sea of heartbreak"), rufus wainwright ("silver wings"), elvis costello ("heartaches by the number"), and jeff tweedy ("long black veil")!


dear lady gaga,

yea right.

xoxo - lak


tiger woods, please leave the private shit you've got going on in your private life. phil mickelson, congrats.

... and that's all i got to say about that.

AC, you treat me well...

won $450 last night / this morning.

life is good.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

day 11, album 11

album of the day:
mandy moore "amanda leigh" ~

i love mandy moore. from 'candy' to 'a walk to remember,' there's nothing that she's done that i have not taken notice of - i don't think? so i knew she came out with this stripped-down album, but i have yet to take a listen until now.

first track in and i'm already taking to it. it's a very pleasant album. i knew she could sing, but i didn't know i would take to her voice as i am. and thinking about it... it's not like she's got such an amazing voice but she sings her songs really well. she really knows how to use her voice in the best way possible and it is not in bubblegum pop music. i'm really enjoying this album. absolutely more grown up than anything i've ever heard from her and rumor has it that this album was recorded in a basement, probably while sitting indian style and lighting incense.

moral of the story: perfect for a sunday morning
favorite song: 'merrimack river' and 'fern dell' and 'pocket philosopher'
favorite lyrics: "don't say you're not amazed when you know you are / and don't say you're not afraid when you know you are" from 'merrimack river' AND "if you can do this for me / oh baby, you can do it for youself" from 'nothing everything'

sunday morning

up already.

no surprise there.

watching bh90210 on soapnet.

no surprise there.

doing laundry, a little cleaning. then errands, off to work, and home!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

day 10, album 10

album of the day:
leona lewis "echo" ~

i have absolutely no idea why i chose this album. i really liked her debut album, but i haven't even though about leona lewis for the longest time. chalk it up to randomness!

anyways, i'm about halfway through the album and i'm not really enjoying myself. actually, it's taking a lot for me not to turn it off, that's how much i'm not enjoying it. it's serious pop for the broken hearted and i am neither interested in pop (at present time) nor broken hearted so this album pretty much serves me no purpose.

UPDATE: the album contains an awesome cover of the awesome oasis song 'stop crying your heart out'. LOVE!

moral of the story: i wouldn't listen again
favorite song: 'my hands' and 'naked' and 'stop crying your heart out'
favorite lyrics: "and if it don't feel right / you're not losing me by letting me know" from 'i got you'

BONUS! check out the video of oasis HERE, and the leona lewis one HERE!

wise words of today

"there's nothing quite so wonderful as our name said by someone we're interested in."

saturday fun day?

i'm at work. what are YOU doing?

Friday, April 9, 2010

day 9, album 9

album of the day:
the morning benders "big echo" ~

i can't remember who, if anybody, recommended this album to me. or where i even got it from. but it's a friday night, i'm a little silly, and i have work tomorrow. therefore, this is my night: listening to awesome music.

tonight's album from the morning benders is a pleasant one. i didn't know what to expect going into it. who are they and where did they come from? but anyways... i'm enjoying this album simply because i know it's something i can put on in the background to enjoy. it doesn't take a lot of paying attention to in order to know that it's still there. however, i can't decipher what kind of sound this is... but i dig it.

moral of the story: i would absolutely recommend it
favorite song: the entire album is amazing... but i got lost in 'stitches'
favorite lyrics: n/a


feeling... weird.

i wish i could write about it.. but i can't do it just yet.


watching HSM3 on disney channel right now... hooray!

come flock with me

seriously. check this out. and thank me later :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

day 8, album 8

album of the day:
snoop dogg "doggystyle" ~

this is the first album that someone suggested i listen to. RD, thank you. i don't know why i've never listened to this snoop dogg album, but it's awesome that i'm listening to it right now. obviously i've heard 'gin and juice' and 'who am i' countless times before - but when 'ain't no fun' came on, i seriously couldn't believe it! i've listened to some tracks before, but i had no idea what the other tracks of this album would bring. i also had no idea what album the aforementioned tracks were on. therefore, am i listening to this album as a technicality? maybe... but i'm drunk, so whatever!

kenny is very surprised that i've never listened to this entire album and as the tracks go by, so am i! i used to listen the hip hop religiously, way before my rock and my boy band phase. i can't believe that i passed this album over. but i was, what, 8 years old? i think i'll forgive myself. but i try (unsuccessfully) to get into hip hop now and let's face it: it is very hard to find good hip hop nowadays.

but i'm currently hanging in my living room with kenny, drinking wine after a night of sushi and beer, and i feel like dancing. actually, i kinda just feel like moving. i love hip hop, and i especially love reallyyyyy good hip hop. there are very few artists that bring the original hip hop flavor and snoop dogg is absolutely one of those artists that satisfies.

moral of the story: obviously enjoying myself
favorite song: 'gin and juice' and 'murder was the case' and 'who am i? (what's my name?)' and 'doggy dogg world'
favorite lyrics: "stay full of that gin and juice and have a ball" from 'for all my niggaz & bitches'

NOTE: published friday morning because.. well, because i'm drunk!

check it! least someone's having fun

SPOTTED: two people having sex in LTB's bathroom.

wise words of today

"it could always be worse."

thank you!

i'd like to thank my place of employment, leisure time bowl, for providing me with lunch every day. and when they order something i do not like, i go into the kitchen and make myself something delicious. on the menu today: turkey and cheese sammich with lettuce and tomato, along with a side of chips and guac.

sushi for dinner tonight.

happy thursday, indeed! :)

awkward turtle

growing feelings for a boy friend... never good. never ever good.

read a book!

it's safe to say that i hate rockdocs. except for the occassional few (read: tom petty, the white stripes), nothing really tickles my fancy about watching a rockdoc. hand me a superbly written memoir about a rockstar (or a rockstar lifestyle...) and i am good. to. go!

check out this list of "must-read memoirs" as designated by flavorpill. i've only read one of them so far, the pattie boyd one (which was awesome), but you can certainly guarantee that some time in the near future i will get my hands on the other four. and you can also guarantee that i will share my thoughts with ya'll. standby for that!

it's that time of year again...

dear facebook friends,

please refrain from writing anything about yankees baseball in your status updates. i don't care, and i'm tired of reading about it from every single one of you. if you've got something to say, post it on a message board!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

i need more!

day 7, album 7

album of the day:
zac brown band "the foundation" ~

sorry, MK, but i had to decline your request for the album of the day... even though i asked for your opinion. i'm in bed after a few glasses of red and a few minutes with betsey and i needed something i knew i would dig.

my friend MM originally recommended zac brown band a few months ago, probably when it first came out. i downloaded it, but never listened. so now i'm listening and i think it's the perfect album to listen to right now, for me. very soulful, very country, very comforting. no real surprises yet, but i'm only three tracks in.

i'm a girl who digs all genres of music so country doesn't scare me. in fact, quite the opposite really. i thoroughly enjoy it and think i need more of it in my life. sure, sometimes it's sad but sometimes it's really motherfuckin' fun! yea, i said it: I LOVE COUNTRY MUSIC!

moral of the story: absolutely
favorite song: 'toes' and 'free'
favorite lyrics: "i got my toes in the water, ass in the sand / not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand / life is good today" from 'toes'

where did the time go?

i just spent the last two hours of my life watching the wedding of khloe kardashian and lamar odom. holy fuck, i am a loser...

i want to go!!!!

OK- did anybody check out the lollapalooza 2010 line up?


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

blah blah blah

... just thinking 'bout you.

hello, tuesday night

currently watching:
brothers ~

UPDATE: amazing movie!

day 6, album 6

album of the day:
ziggy marley "dragonfly" ~

of course i know who he is - who doesn't!? but i couldn't recall a single song he sang, a single song that i remember moving to. so, i'm feeling good and i wanted some good music to match. enter: ziggy marley.

great album! it makes me feel good, optimistic about life, and just overall happy. when sister #1 told me he was touring with nas this summer, i told her to sign me up without knowing what i was signing up for! (granted, any summer show on the brooklyn waterfront is sure to be a fantastic time...)

in all honesty, the subject matter of this record (read: god and war, etc) is not something i love to listen to. i could really do without it. however, this is what the marleys do: they make you think, they make you feel, they make you aware. and trust me when i say that i am thinking, feeling, and aware. but i'm sitting at my kitchen table eating dinner in hoboken while listening to this album and all i really want to do is DANCE! man, i wish my friends were with me right now...

moral of the story: seriouslyyy looking forward to jamming out live time this summer!
favorite song(s): 'dragonfly' and 'true to myself' and 'i get out' and 'rainbow in the sky'
favorite lyrics: "but it's not my style to quit / there is more to life than this" from 'looking' AND "i asked of her what do we celebrate / she said to me these be the good old days" from 'good old days'

a predicament of the worst kind

now that spring is approaching - correction: SPRING IS HERE!!! - i need to find a way to wear headbands and sunglasses. usually in the winter months, headband would trump sunglasses due to the minimal amount of daylight hours my eyes would see each day. but now that the sun is a-shinin' at almost all hours of the day (hooray!) i need to either fix my hair, or figure out a way to utilize both fashion statements. obviously i choose the later. i will keep you posted on my approaches...

time, go FASTER!

i need my birthday to be in the 10 day forecast so i can plan accordingly. HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

day 5, album 5

album of the day:
melanie fiona "the bridge" ~

i love this album! i'm three songs into it and i'm already kicking myself in the ass for not listening to it sooner. this debut album by melanie fiona opens with a recent favorite of mine 'give it to me right' which samples the zombies 'time of season' - please see below for the great video to this great song.

i'm loving her voice, her style, and the overall feel that i'm feeling when listening to this album. i hear a little bit of motown in every song, and i'm lovin' it! it's got serious soul and if i didn't just go for a run i would probably start dancing around my room. and i'm not the only one who thinks she's a rock star: she's currently touring with alicia keys!

moral of the story: totally diggin' it
favorite song(s): 'give it to me right' and 'monday morning' and 'bang bang'
favorite lyrics: "give it to me right / or don't give it to me at all" from 'give it to me right'

BONUS! video of 'give it to me right.' if you don't move to this song, you've got no ears.

happy opening day!

monday. woof!

monday morning, how i hate you so! :(

Sunday, April 4, 2010

day 4, album 4

album of the day:
pretty lights "making up a changing mind" ~

a bunch of my friends saw pretty lights in philly on friday and said it was awesome. to quote lbb, "these lights are fuckin' pretty!" so i decided to give this album a taste today for that reason, and also because it's only six tracks long and i don't think i'll be able to stay awake much longer.

electronica, yes? nothing too impressive, if you ask me. however, i could absolutely imagine rocking out to them live time. i'm a little bored halfway through. maybe because i'm tired? ugh - i always pick the worst albums for my mood!

moral of the story: would rather see them live then hear them on record
favorite song: 'total fascination'
favorite lyrics: n/a

BONUS! the album is still available for download FOR FREE (suggested donation requested HERE!!

thanks for nothing, megabus!

after a 7 1/2 hour journey from DC to NYC (with no wifi, and some very smelly passengers onboard...) i am finally sitting in my bed listening to the album of the day. twas a fun weekend! ... but next time, i'm driving.

greetings from falls church!

i'm drunk.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

day 3, album 3

album of the day:
passion pit "chunk of change" ~

it's currently a little after 11am and i'm chillin' in falls church, va while adubbs slumbers. i didn't think she would mind me muting the law & order marathon to listen to some tunes, so here we are...

once again, i know nothing about this band, passion pit, except that a lot of my friends love them. they seem to be... electronica? absolutely not what i thought i was getting into, especially in the AM hours.

currently listening to 'smile upon me' and this song is making me feel weird. and i don't think in a good way. the album is only six tracks long, but if all of the songs make me feel like i can't keep up. again, maybe it's the AM hours - but i don't know. something just isn't right...

moral of the story: not my favorite pick so far
favorite song: 'better things'
favorite lyrics: "i filled the bucket, spilled the bucket / out on the floor, a mistake for sure" from 'cuddle fuddle'

Friday, April 2, 2010

oh philly, another reason why you suck...

so my megabus took a pit stop to drop off passengers in philly and pick up additional passengers to take to DC. the only problem is that the bus dropped off less passengers than it needed to pick up. therefore, there are still roughly 25 megbus'ers still hangin' out on the mean streets of philly. totally sucks to be them...


sister #1 sent me this article from the new york times talking about, what else: legalizing the delicious mary jane.

personally, i'm not too sure what the problem is: you have a state (california) that is in such unimaginable debt, and a product (weed) that can help recover said state from said debt, and maybe even make a profit?! does anybody see the problem in this? has anybody posed any better solutions?

i refuse to talk about the argument that "weed is just like alcohol" because it's not, you stupid ignorant fuck. i simply will not entertain this idea. at all.

by taxing weed, you control it. when you control it, people seem to not want it as much anymore. their hunger for it decreases; the game of where to get and who to get from suddenly isn't as much fun. us humans are silly creatures like that, wanting something so badly and for so long and then turning the other way when it falls into our laps. silly humans...

california, i applaud you for walking your baby steps in the right direction. let the stoners chill in peace, please. and if legalization happens to come to fruition in my lifetime, i will give you a standing ovation...

another one?

yes, another one. just what we need: another beer garden.


NOTE: website still in progress...

thank you, wifi!

currently on a bus to DC to see ADW! megabus has wifi :)

the bus was late leaving so i'll be late arriving buuuut i'm on my way! HOORAY!

sippin' on some haterade

why, miley cyrus, why?! you sound like a man and you look like a horse. you officially serve me no purpose. thanks for nothing!


i need to visit la biblioteca de tequila, NYC's first and only tequila locker (!!!), before i die.

thanks, urbandaddy, for providing a slideshow of what heaven looks like!!!

huh? wtf?

join the musyck revolution.

pray for rain... you don't feel guilty for going to a museum when the sun is shining bright.

but when it comes to the grateful dead, does rain or shine really matter? besides, you have until july 4th. it's bound to rain at least one day before then.

happy good friday?

i'm at work and i'm kind of bored and i'm very anxiously awaiting the time i can leave here, walk my bum over to the corner of 31st & 8th, hop on a bus to washington DC and see ADW!


day 2, album 2

album of the day:
xx "xx" ~

it's the AM hours before work and i was really interested in listening to this album because so many people recommended it. shout out to SR for the FB wall posting! also, my buddy MA told me about a XX/Biggie mash up that i just have to hear (!!!) so i was very anxious to hear this album in preparation of hearing an extremely awesome one!

but honestly, this debut album by XX seriously kicks ass. made up of a guy, a girl, and a drum machine, it's hard, it's soft, it's got guitars, and it feels overall... futuristic! i was pleasantly surprised when my ears took a liking to this sound during the first 'intro' track and i'm seriouslyyyy still diggin' it. so far, i have yet to hear a track that i don't like and i'm halfway through the album.

moral of the story: an absolute download. even buy it if you have to! (ha! yea right...)
favorite song(s): 'crystalised' and 'islands' and 'shelter' and 'stars'
favorite lyric(s): "i'll forgive and forget before i'm paralyzed / do i have to keep up this pace to keep you satisfied?" from 'crystalised' AND "don't rest with the best / i'm burning to impress" from 'fantasy' AND "maybe i had said something that was wrong / can i make it better with the lights turned on?" from 'shelter'

BONUS! video of 'crystalised' ~ enjoy!