Thursday, April 29, 2010

day 30, album 30

album of the day:
the roots "phrenology" ~

so, my friends... this is the last album of the challenge. i will recap in another post but let's just say that choosing this last album was super duper hard. that's why i had someone choose it for me! sistah #1 suggested hip hop and this specific album from the roots so i of course had to take her advice. i've heard some of their other music and i saw them live a time or two so hopefully i will like listening to this album.

ugh- i love hip hop. and i love reallyyyy good hip hop. anybody who knows this band knows that they put out great music that is fun in whatever situation you're in: running, dancing, domestic duties. the guest appearances are awesome and very necessary (nelly furtado and talib kweli amongst them), interludes are perfectly placed, and the funk is crazy! thanks, sistah!

moral of the story: great album to go out on
favorite song{s}: 'sacrifice' and 'the seed' and 'water' and 'thirsty'
favorite lyrics: n/a

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