Friday, April 2, 2010


sister #1 sent me this article from the new york times talking about, what else: legalizing the delicious mary jane.

personally, i'm not too sure what the problem is: you have a state (california) that is in such unimaginable debt, and a product (weed) that can help recover said state from said debt, and maybe even make a profit?! does anybody see the problem in this? has anybody posed any better solutions?

i refuse to talk about the argument that "weed is just like alcohol" because it's not, you stupid ignorant fuck. i simply will not entertain this idea. at all.

by taxing weed, you control it. when you control it, people seem to not want it as much anymore. their hunger for it decreases; the game of where to get and who to get from suddenly isn't as much fun. us humans are silly creatures like that, wanting something so badly and for so long and then turning the other way when it falls into our laps. silly humans...

california, i applaud you for walking your baby steps in the right direction. let the stoners chill in peace, please. and if legalization happens to come to fruition in my lifetime, i will give you a standing ovation...

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