Tuesday, April 27, 2010

day 27, album 27

album of the day:
cotton jones "paranoid cocoon" ~

i didn't really discover this band. i was stealing my friend eddie's music and he basically said to me "TAKE COTTON JONES!" - and so i did. i haven't had the time to listen to it, until now, and i have no idea what i could possibly expect. i'm hoping greatness...

the band themselves is ok. the album is also just ok. very folky, which i've taken to a lot as of late. i'm about four tracks into it and it keeps getting better and better - which is always a plus! the boy and girl vocals are something that i've also taken to a lot, especially since listening to the dutchess and the duke. i am thoroughly enjoying the tempo and melodies on this tuesday morning before work but i can do without all the instrumental tracks. would i see them live time? if the album keeps getting progressively better, than maybe.......

moral of the story: ok...........
favorite song(s): 'by morning light' and 'blood red sentimental blues' and 'little ashtray in the sun' and 'i am the changer'
favorite lyrics: "you'd better color up my heart again / i'm afraid it's turning black" from 'blood red sentimental blues' AND 'been waiting for a little change / when it finally came i just waited for another, waited for another" from 'i am the changer'

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