Tuesday, April 6, 2010

day 6, album 6

album of the day:
ziggy marley "dragonfly" ~

of course i know who he is - who doesn't!? but i couldn't recall a single song he sang, a single song that i remember moving to. so, i'm feeling good and i wanted some good music to match. enter: ziggy marley.

great album! it makes me feel good, optimistic about life, and just overall happy. when sister #1 told me he was touring with nas this summer, i told her to sign me up without knowing what i was signing up for! (granted, any summer show on the brooklyn waterfront is sure to be a fantastic time...)

in all honesty, the subject matter of this record (read: god and war, etc) is not something i love to listen to. i could really do without it. however, this is what the marleys do: they make you think, they make you feel, they make you aware. and trust me when i say that i am thinking, feeling, and aware. but i'm sitting at my kitchen table eating dinner in hoboken while listening to this album and all i really want to do is DANCE! man, i wish my friends were with me right now...

moral of the story: seriouslyyy looking forward to jamming out live time this summer!
favorite song(s): 'dragonfly' and 'true to myself' and 'i get out' and 'rainbow in the sky'
favorite lyrics: "but it's not my style to quit / there is more to life than this" from 'looking' AND "i asked of her what do we celebrate / she said to me these be the good old days" from 'good old days'

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