Saturday, July 31, 2010

sing for me!

so i'm waiting at the bus stop this morning listening to the white stripes live album (solid AM music choice, i know...) when a random yet really strong thought came into mind: i absolutely hate it when musicians ask the crowd to sing!

ok, don't get me wrong. i love to sing. i can't sing to save my life, but i love to do it. hell, i even won third place in a kareoke contest while i was SOBER! (sidenote: the six-pack that i won served much purpose at the night's afterparty.) however, i don't go to a concert to hear the crowd serenade me. with all due respect to mr. or mrs. joe shmo, you may sing, and you may sing with all your might. but i came out to hear jack fuckin' white (or insert band of choice here) sing to me! and i expect nothing less!

i guess part of the reason i get so irritated by this is because you know they're only doing it for one of two reasons: 1) they forgot the lyrics; or 2) they can't hit the octive of which they need to sing in. i call bullshit. i don't expect you to sound like the record. hell, i'd be greatly disappointed if i went to a live show and heard nothing out-of-the-ordinary coming from the stage. but c'mon, man... sing for me!

...or better yet: let's all sing together :)

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