Wednesday, May 12, 2010

feeling: content

it's wednesday, it's raining, and i've been up since 5:15am. but i took my parents to the airport (heyloooo, key west!) so i can have their car for a few days, i went for a ridiculous 25 minute run (ridiculous because the wind was absolutely absurd this morning!!), made myself breakfast (!!!), and now i'm at work... chillin'.

i have off tomorrow and have many a things planned for the day. i hope it doesn't rain! it always seems to rain when i have the day off :(

might go to the movies tonight, might chill home and watch the office. i haven't really decided... i guess it depends on where my brain takes me after the 5pm hour.

moral of the story is that i'm in good spirits right now... and it feels great.

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