Wednesday, April 28, 2010

day 28, album 28

album of the day:
talking heads "more songs about buildings and food" ~

so i had no idea what i was getting myself into before listening to this album. of course i've heard of talking heads - but i have never, ever, ever in my life heard one of their songs... at least consciously. it was actually one of the albums that i kept trying to fit into the mix earlier on but it just never panned out. let's see if it was worth the wait...

this album is seriously nuts. pretty fun. really crazy - but then again, so are the people who recommended it to me! (ha!) it's not an album i totally dig but after a really stressful work day it's absolutely great release. an album that doesn't require much thought process; an album that kind of just invites you to listen and hopes you have fun. great melodies, that's for sure. however, i do think that one listen is enough.

moral of the story: fun, but i'm over it.
favorite song(s): 'take me to the river' and 'big country'
favorite lyrics: "we've heard this little scene, we've heard it many times / people fighting over little things and wasting precious time" from 'found a job'

1 comment:

Kenji Fujishima said...

Oh, I could listen to this album millions of times! I think it's deeper and richer than you give it credit for; I find the lyrics fascinatingly strange and least, until that last track, "The Big Country," which, I think, puts a lot of things in perspective (the narrator recognizes a lot of the good points about the countryside, but, I guess, prefers the city life anyway). But that's just me.

Is this your first Talking Heads experience? Then you haven't heard what could be their best album: Remain in Light. That one's a lot of fun, and even more idiosyncratic in some ways.