Saturday, February 27, 2010

great saturday tv

beverly hills 90210 has the best episodes on soapnet this morning! we started off with goo goo dolls playing steve's 21st birthday and now we're up to kenny coming into the picture and fucking up valerie's world and turning her into an even crazier bitch than she already is. ugh, i love saturday.

speak truth

"when you're not in love, once is enough."

happy birthday!

beautiful person of the day:
lisa nelson~

happy birthday to my best friend, nelly! i love you and i can't wait to celebrate<3

Friday, February 26, 2010

brilliant color

loving OPI and the color they provide my fingernails. seriously... if i could wear them all at once, i would.

happy birthday!

today would have been your 78th birthday, mr. johnny cash. we thank you for your music and your memories.


carly simon reveals who her song "you're so vain" is about ... and we were all wrong !

UPDATE: according to perez, this is false information. bah humbug!

curling? again?!

yes, curling again. curling everywhere you fuckin' turn! i've grown very tired of a sport i didn't even know existed until the beginning of the olympics. meh.

someone please bring these to me!!!

craving of the day:
double stuf'd oreos~


so i just got to work...

'nough said.

(but i wonder what's for lunch...)

UPDATE: lunch sucks. i'm gunna hafta get a cookie at some point throughout the day.


i won't even try to hide my excitement about this summer tour . i LOVE tom petty! and him and the heartbreakers are touring with amazing special guests that make me want to hit up maybe... three shows?

i've seen tom petty a handful of times and every time is amazing. seeing him sing with stevie nicks at madison square garden is one of the top moments of my whole life!!! ... but anyways, the thing that will make this tour amazing is the special guests he plans on having, one guest per show (buuut i'm thinking maybe msg will have more than one since it's still tba?!?!?): joe cocker; crosby, stills & nash; my morning jacket; and those are the three guests that i plan on seeing. a couple of more are on the bill with a few others still tba.

if i can't sell you on the special guests, how about the idea that each ticket purchased comes with a digital copy of the new album MOJO (scheduled to drop this spring) including two advanced tracks, as well as live tracks from the tour at the end of the summer! but the question is this: if i buy three tickets, do i get three albums? weird...

i'm sold on this tour, and i think you should be too. i'm really excited to share it with so many friends who i know are absolutely on board! good times ahead as always, friends.... and i can't wait to dance with you :)

more snow!

greetings from hoboken, nj

i'm currently on my couch waiting for my supervisor to pick me up and take me to LTB... yea.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

can you believe it?

it's snowing sideways! ugh. whenever it snows sideways, i always wish i was in bed snuggling. i lurve to snuggle... ::sigh::

bep @ msg recap

so let's first state the facts: it's snowing and i'm hungover. now that we got that out of the way, let's talk about the show that was black eyed peas with opening acts lmfao (yea, i don't know who they are either), ludacris (ludaaaa!!!), and david guerra (very popular in the dance club circuit, and with the gays). the concert was free, it was fun, and i made new friends!

but now, my thoughts, in list form because i'm not good for much else right now:
- fergie. ok seriously... your body is bangin' but your style needs WORK! plastic skirts and visors are not a good look on anybody. ANYBODY, I SAY!
- three opening acts? really?
- we were sitting in the section where the hearing impared were seated. please imagine how funny it is to watch a white lady sign "my humps" because it gives me the serious giggles
- there was too much filler during the BEP set. if you've been together since 1995, then you should have enough material to cover a two-hour show, easily. and no, fergie's hit singles don't count... and neither does's DJ set which included the chili peppers, journey, and my beloved MJ (RIP)
- double-fisting never gets old. i felt like i was in high school again, except with better beer and rangers cups instead of red solo cups
- their stage looked like "a giant glowing penis" as stated by jillian and my new best friend, dan. dan loved the penis just as much as we did. yea he did!!!

um, that's it for now. i'm sure some other great flashbacks will pop into my head throughout the day so please check back for updates...


black eyed peas concert @ msg... w teri, lisa, and jillian <3

so i'm drunk...

let's not judge! i just got home from an awesome night with my friends and i came to a great realization. more tomorrow. for now... i sleep :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

what a great list!

so anybody who knows me- and i mean ANYBODY WHO KNOWS ME!! - knows that i've been waiting my entire life to fly a car. yea that's right. i said it: I WANT TO FLY A FUCKIN' CAR! a la back to the future 2. it doesn't have to time travel, just lift me above ground and allow me to fly amongst the clouds. i don't ask for much... but 2015 is right around the corner and do you see any flying cars? yea, neither do i.

take a look at this ingenious list of predictions that never panned out. are we happy, or sad, that paper clothing never hit mainstream? i would like to think the former...

you know it's a good day when...

... the backstreet boys sing the first song from your ipod. enjoy, ya'll! :)

why am i awake?

you might think it's a silly questions, but considering i don't have to be at work until 11A and it takes me about 20 minutes to get there, i shouldn't be awake yet. but i am. and the reason is... because i need health insurance. my company will offer me (starting march 1) medical and dental for an astronomical out-of-pocket expense, an expense that i wish not to pay! and it doesn't even include vision, which this four-eyed girl needs. so here i am, awake since 8:15, talking to random insurance companies and browsing the good 'ole internet and realizing that i am never going to get affordable healthcare unless i work for a big company like my previous place of employment. (::grunt::)

this makes me sad. it also makes me realize why everybody is always futzing over the idea that "healthcare is a right, not a privilege," and they are right! i don't really have much more to say about this, just kind of venting...

if anybody can help a girl out, please let me know. thanks much in advance!

double on the rocks

video of the day:
that's my steez~

shout out to ct burners, part of the avenel crew that has since become like family :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

big bang!

currently watching:
the big bang theory~

something kenny is good for: finding me "the big bang theory" online (for free!) sorry anonymous, your link didn't work for me.. but much appreciated! anyhoo, i'm in the middle of the first season and can't stop laughing. after catching up on both "californication" and "weeds" over the past few weeks, i realized that the 24ish-minute comedy really does it for me. i still love my fx dramas!!! ... but there's something really comforting about a good comedy, especially this one. the characters are hilarious together, even more great in their own right, and the story lines are so ridiculously smart that i can't believe it took me this long to start watching!

after waiting 8 years...

... jayson williams goes to jail for aggravated assault. aka murdering (and covering up said murder) of a limo driver.

Breaking sports news video. MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL highlights and more.

video of the day:
jayson williams apologizes and says goodbye~

worst words ever? SOLD OUT!

so i planned on heading over to mercury lounge after work today to get ticket to see the black keys for myself and matt for their show at central park summerstage in june. (i've learned that if you buy tickets at the box office, you save on ticketmaster/live nation charges and, thus, do not support the merger while keeping more money in your pocket!!! HOORAY!!!!) unluckily for me, tix are SOLD OUT! there's nothing worse - rephrase: few things worse - than hearing that something is SOLD OUT; especially a show that you really want to go to and especially one that you waited to get tickets for so that you didn't have to support the ticketmaster/live nation merge. bah fuckin' humbug!

this hit especially close to home because i also waited too long to purchase a few select apartment items in my urban outfitters cart online and guess what? the stuff i wanted was SOLD OUT by the time i went to purchase. like, seriously? i can't even...

talk about being SOL! ... at least my hangover is gone.

he's just not that into me.

that is all.

in good spirits

amazing news just gets me in amazing spirits! sure, i'm still hungover. and sure, i'm still at work. and sure, i just found out that my medical benefits are going to cost me an atrocious amount of money. but a bunch of people very very close to me are getting some amazing, life-changing news and i am SO HAPPY for them that i can't help but indirectly shout them out! xoxox

so i'm hungover....

happy tuesday! ugh! not only am i hungover, but it's raining out and my marc jacobs rainboots have a hole in them. so basically, my morning sucks. how are YOU doing? :)

last night was fun! went to teak in hoboken with kenny for half price sushi and half price wine. yup, we're jews! we reminisced about the days of beeper street (and him giving me a beeper when i was 13-years-old) and delivering the sentinel (my mother used to drive me around). our waiter's name was nas and i'm pretty sure kenny asked if he was going to rap for us. i can't be too sure and i don't think that nas was amused. we also found it pretty strange that the more we drank, and uglier the people at the bar became. isn't it supposed to be the opposite? oh well... we then went back to my apartment to hang with betsey and watch some olympic dancing skating stuff. i can't tell you who won but i can tell you that i was absolutely fascinated with the sport. dancing... on skates? who the fuck knew! it's so entertaining!

so now i'm here, at work. i'll write more later once i get my bearings in order and finally realize that being hungover on a tuesday with a full work day ahead plus lots of errands to do isn't really all that cool. but let's face the facts: i am not cool, and i will never learn...

Monday, February 22, 2010

to people who use public transport:

if someone is reading a book while listening to their headphones, there's a 99.9% chance that they wish not to engage in conversation. especially if you ask what the title of the book is. three times. while you're staring directly at it. yes, that means you, drunken law student from fordham university!


national pancake day!

um- who's excited?! I AM! tomorrow from 7A-10P IHOP will be giving away one free stack of buttermilk pancakes per person (donation suggested for the 'cakes, hash browns are an additional charge) to benefit local children's hospitals. the problem that arises with this occassion is two-fold: 1) finding friends to go with- ya'll suck, and you know who you are; and 2) finding an IHOP franchise on this great isle of manhattan. do i trek all the way up to adam clayton powell jr. blvd. by myself? does anybody in hoboken want to go to jersey city? are free pancakes (with a suggested donation, of course) worth the travel? DUH!

one week later

so today is my one week anniversary of this blog. who counts in weeks? holy shit, i'm such a chick! HA! anyhoo, one week and 31 posts later and i still enjoy sharing my world with all ya'll, i still enjoy writing about the randomness which is my life, and i appreciate your continued support and hope you enjoy reading. i'm looking forward to sharing some of my writings with you. in time, my friends, in time. but for now, another big THANK YOU! :)

picture this

you'll be sittin' on someone else's couch
you'll be eatin' off a stranger's plate
everything is gonna get wiped out
like a new start, like a brand new fresh clean slate

well here i go remembering again
all the anger and the blame
people in glass houses shouldn't throw those stones
but something just flew through my window pane

~ annie lennox, "erased"

shutter island.... eh

so i went to see shutter island last night and my experience went something like this: went to the theater for a 7:30 show, bought tix for the 8:30 show since the 7:30 show was sold out, wait on line at 7:30 so we get good seats for the 8:30 show, eat massive amounts of popcorn and snickers during the 2+ hour movie, leave the theater at 11p.

i didn't think the movie itself was all that exciting. sure i jumped in my booties from time to time (um, they're walking around a psyche ward, in the dark, during a storm... duh!) but i felt that the story line was rather predictable, the music was more suited for "jaws" then for the scariness (serious question mark) that was "shutter island," and i guess i just expected more. everybody was saying that this was supposed to be "a scary movie," which apparently is not the norm for mr. martin scorsese, the film's director. when i heard that i was thinking "oh goodie, maybe it'll be something really fucked up like "the shining!" ... but no.

i went with shirabira who, if you will recall, went to the film's nyc premiere, which meant it was her second time seeing it last night. she said she enjoyed it a lot more the second time around and that it was better this time because she was able to look back in retrospect and figure out how everything pieced together, including the ending that she kind of missed the first time around. this i can understand and hopefully i'll think the same way after i see it a second time... when it comes out on dvd.

the moral of the story is this: i was happy i saw it. i was interested in being included in the hype and to be able to speak opinions about this movie, and i can do that. not to mention how yummy mark ruffalo is. yes, please!

FOLLOW UP: looks like this movie might be #1 for the weekend. mazel tov!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

someone please buy this for me!

thank you in advance.

hi marley!

adam and marley stopped by for some music (mountain jam?), sushi (lots of it!) and bong rips (no comment). happy sunday!

musica, musica

currently listening to:
alberta cross~

so my bestest in the westest (that means emily, my best friend in san francisco) introduced me to alberta cross when we were in a fight a few weeks ago, so i didn't take much of anything she said into consideration. fast-forward the hands of time and i have since downloaded two dozen tracks, missed their show in nyc, and just recently started really listening to their music. not bad, not bad at all. however, at present place and time, not exactly what i'm looking to hear. oh wait... listening to "city walls." diggin' it.


beautiful person of the day:
kaley cuoco~

the star of "the big bang theory" and formerly of "8 simple rules" with john ritter (RIP), this is a photo taken from her recent appearance in maxim. i'm not sure if it's an outtake or not since i haven't gotten the magazine in the mail yet but that's neither here nor there. you're welcome.

lazy sunday? yea right

every sunday pretty much starts off the same, and with the same intentions: i plan on staying in bed as long as possible.

yea, that didn't work. i was up at 7a, back to bed until 10:15a, up for a run until noon. now it's breakfast time, laundry time, maybe hanging with friends time?... then off to nyc for shutter island.

so much for lazy sunday... maybe next weekend.

a note.

dearest family-

please stop trying to set me up. reliable friends are much more important than unreliable lovers.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

random saturday evening thoughts

1) i'm really frustrated that i can't find the big bang theory online (for free)

2) i can't stop listening to dmb (touring this summer !!)

3) white cheddar cheese puffs from trader joe's rule my world

i love weezy!

ok.. so the motherfucker might be insane. ha! this motherfucker IS insane! but don't mistake insanity for crazy because lil wayne is not crazy. he knows exactly what he's doing and lets nobody stand in his way of being "the best rapper alive." he is a no nonsense, no bullshit, let-me-do-my-shit-and-make-my-music kinda guy.

it's evident in his rolling stone cover story and in his behind the music special that lil wayne works for no one, answers to no one, and will pretty much do whatever the fuck he wants. is he someone to look up to? eh, maybe not necessarily. soon he will come to new york not for promotional responsibilities, but to start his one-year jail sentence for gun possession. but his work ethic is completely enviable, his love for his children is completely respectable, and most importantly considering his profession, the guy makes amazingggg music! but how he got four girls to have his baby is completely beyond me. he might be talented, but he's also really ugly...

where my money goes...

$25.74 for a one year subscription to rolling stone.

worth it?


video of the day:
the snoozefest that is tiger woods' press conference~

ugh, really?!

hilary duff. engaged! dave annable. engaged!

what the fuck?! i love them both :(

Friday, February 19, 2010

thank you, mrs. fields...

...for making today awesome!


so this might be just a rumor (because i've only seen this event posted in one place), but if gallery bar really is hosting a naked painting party (scroll down to wednesday), then i reallyyyyy want to go! any other takers? don't be shy.... ;0)

so i was thinking...

man oh man do i hate thinking. well, let me rephrase: i hate thinking when i have such a heavy heart. it's almost like i look at the most pessimistic angle of situations that haven't changed for as long as i can remember...

but maybe it's me that needs to change. i still have no idea who i am, what i want to be, where i'm going... blah blah blah. but i do know that i'm at a great place in my life and i do know that i'm a good person and that people like me and i do know that i am ready for some company along my journey. for the longest time i shied away from any sort of commitment because i simply wasn't ready to give up my independence. fast forward to present time, and although my mindset has changed, my ways of maneuvering have stayed as they always have been. thankfully i stopped slutting myself around a long time ago (new year's eve, 2007 to be exact...), but why do i still find excuses to keep time with boys who tell me they don't want to be with me, and boys that send me "happy vday" messages in a drunken stuper the day after valentine's day? (note: if you can't spell it out, you probably don't mean it, and i will not be having sex with you...). i have no idea what i want, but i know it's not this.

wish me luck along my journey... of finding something (or someone) great.

happy birthday!

beautiful person of the day:
kaitlin parke~

she's my best friend, i love her, and it's her birthday! xo

Thursday, February 18, 2010

lady is a lady!

well fuck me sideways! lady gaga is a woman!

... not that i had any doubt in my mind, haters! these were taken at the 2010 brit awards this week and my sister, #2, thinks that maybeee they're a publicity stunt so that we can all sit around and say "ohhh look at lady gaga's vagina!" - and maybe she's right. or maybe a crazy ass costume idea finally got the best of her. either way, lady gaga: certified female.

plans this weekend?

movie to see:
shutter island~

my friend, shirabira, went to the premiere in nyc last night. aside from it being a truly star-studded event (leo dicaprio! alec baldwin! clay from oth!!!!) she said the movie was amazing. being just around two hours long, she said it was "sooooo good. like, on a whole 'nother level" - yes, a direct quote. i plan on going sunday. who's coming with me?! but don't worry: i'm still going with or without you...

things i've done today (so far)....

- woke up (duh!)
- took a shower
- ate breakfast (special k and OJ, breakfast of champions!)
- made my bed
- went to the library
- admired the DIESEL window display in union square
- picked up my last freelance paycheck (!!!)
- read the entire rolling stone magazine (the one with weezy on the cover... more on that later)
- drank two glasses of orange soda..... make that three
- ate a delicious salad and turkey & cheese sandwich for lunch. man oh man, do i love catered work lunches!
- drank a fourth glass of orange soda
- ate more popcorn than my stomach could handle
- cried
- went for a run (note to anybody outside the tri-state area: it is currently 41 degrees with some snow on the ground and really fuckin' windy)
- ate dinner
- showered > cried again (FUCK YOU, THUMPER!!!!)
- hung with betsey
- bed (FINALLY!)

* i was at LTB from 11A-7P
* wake up time: 7AM; bed time: 11PM

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

today's lesson

cons of the day: PMS. work. bad lunch. ice on the sidewalk.

pros of the day: nip/tuck. dinner w mama kauf. oreos. being alive.

pro trumps con. let's move on...

live music. is there anything better?

two great shows took place in new york last night... and i wasn't at either one of them.

ladies and gentleman, my place of employment....

live off... what?!

what a fabulous idea!!! i'm such a groupon advocate that i simply cannot imagine my life without it. hell, it's the first website i log on to in the morning! true story... but let's get serious: i would never, ever be able to do this (my pallate isn't extensive enough, nor do i have enough dedication to plan my next 365 days accordingly...) but kudos to anybody taking the live off groupon challenge. i wish you the best of luck and hope to run into each and every one of you when your adventure takes you NYC-bound. take me out, i'll pay tax & tip, and then you can pay me back when you are a hundred thousand dollars richer. everybody wins!!!

a note.

to: you

thought about you when i woke up this morning...

love. me

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

summer, summer is almost here!

random excitement of the day:
central park summerstage '1o~

with fresh snow on the ground, i introduce you to the first artists listed for this year's line up at central park summerstage!! HOORAY!! i saw my first show in central park last year: the black crowes. amazingggg! i went with a handful of friends and had more fun than one should have on any given week night. but it was summer, i was happy, and i had just seen a great show. looking forward to seeing who else is on board for this year (and also not-so-secretly crossing my fingers that the crowes will come back around...) but so far, i'm thinking i'd like to see the black keys. anybody with me?

random random

just finished watching:
the u.s. vs. john lennon~

ugh! what a crazy work day. i came home and hung with betsey (my bong) for a bit. for some reason, wherever she is seems to be the first place i go to when i get home. funny how that works out... then i made some dinner (thanks, trader joe's!) and sat down to watch a movie. i just didn't enjoy it. excellent footage! great story! i guess i was just expecting something ... different? i feel this way about a lot of rockdocs. maybe i should stick to books...

sometimes, you just gotta indulge...

guilty pleasure of the day:
orange soda~

holy shit, work is kicking my ass! too busy. no lunch. surviving only on glass upon glass of such a delicious orange drink. who needs substance when you have carbonation?!?!


beautiful person of the day:
christina hendricks~

if you haven't seen the cover of new york magazine, well then your morning just got better. screw whatever the new york times has got to say, and shame on them! this red headed star of mad men (sidenote: a phenomenal show) is gorgeous! ... and i'm not the only one who thinks so!

Monday, February 15, 2010

poppin' my cherry

can't stop listening to:
leela james~

so... this is my first blog. for some reason, i'm really scared of writing. maybe because i haven't done it recently? but here i am! no judging! i won't write much tonight but i will, however, say that i'm happy you are here and checking me out. makes me feel good that you care about what i have to say. and for that, i say THANK YOU! ... more tomorrow, pinky promise :)